OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

30 March 1983

(Senate Minute pages: 2208-2238)

Vice President Monson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., March 30, 1983 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty one members/alternates were present. Absent were: Abata (AL); Adams (IWR); Asplund (Mil Sci.); Beske-Diehl (GE); Brahney (HU); Janke (Biology); Mandley (Aerospace); Miller (CH/CE); Smith (MY); Suryanarayana (ME-EM); and Stein (President).

Although there was not a quorum present, the Senators present decided to proceed with an unofficial meeting.

Recognition of Visitors: There were no visitors recognized

Minutes of Previous Meetings

Vice President Monson noted some minor corrections to the courses listed for the Master of Science in Mineral Economics degree program on page 2200. On line three, the Mineral Economics Core should read: "(BA417, BA565, BA566, BA567, BA568, and MG461)" and under the Spring program, BA569 should read "BA500 Graduate Research."

Approval of the minutes will be considered at the next meeting.

President's Report:

President Abata's written report (pages 2211-2219 - Available by Request from the Senate Office) was summarized by Vice President Monson. The following items were included:

  1. Status of Senate proposals
  2. Changes in Senate agenda for future meetings
  3. Bookstore policy
  4. Revision of Library policy regarding periodicals
  5. Proposed change in AMCF membership
  6. Miscellaneous items

Discussion of item v. indicated that the Faculty Association does not have a sufficient budget to pay for half the membership dues and half the travel to Lansing for AMCF meetings. The item was referred to the Senate Council.

Vice President's Reports

Vice President Monson outlined a report concerning the Board of Control meeting on March 25, 1983. Major items were:'

  1. Increases in from and board
  2. Adoption of new patent policy
  3. Approval of M.S. in Mineral Economics and M.S. in Operations Management

The written report is given on pages 2200-2221. Monson indicated that the new patent policy is more lucrative for inventors and the inventor's department. The percentages are based upon gross royalties rather than net royalties, although there is a provision for the University to recover extraordinary expenses, such as those for litigation or the setting up of pilot plants.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy - No Report.

B. Instructional Policy

Senator Hutzler noted that the committee is considering a uniform policy regarding student exposure to hazards.

C. Institutional Evaluation

No additional report to that included with the President's Report.

D. Promotional Policy and Professional Standards and Development - No Report.

E. Budget

Senator Beloit discussed the written report given on pages 2222-2223 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). Since the report was prepared, the Governor has signed the tax increase into law and because the increase is retroactive, 6.92% of taxable income will be withheld rather than the 6.35% tax rate.

It was noted that the University Administration and the Board of Control commended the University community for their cooperation during these difficult economic times.

Upon questioning, Senator Beloit pointed out that using the State formula guidelines, Michigan Tech should have received $29 million for the 1982-83 fiscal year; however, only $23 million was appropriated. On top of this reduction, there have been deferrals and cuts which have caused the budget and cash flow problems.

F. Faculty Fringe Benefits

Professor Baldwin presented a written report (pages 2224-2226 - Available by Request from the Senate Office), concerning a recommended proposal to withdraw the employees of Michigan Tech from the Social Security system. Due to imminent Federal legislation and current State rules, the committee recommended that the proposal be rejected. The report also gives information on some advantages and disadvantages of the Social Security system.

G. Faculty Handbook - No Report.

H. Ad Hoc Committee on Retrenchment Planning

The committee presented an interim written report (pages 2227-2229 -: Available by Request from the Senate Office) which was discussed by Vice President Monson, chairperson of the committee. The report described a model for the retrenchment process indicating areas of concern and issues involved in planning. In addition the report addressed several possible alternatives for the treatment of retrenched faculty and indicated the University should adopt a policy to handle this should the need arise.

The committee is looking for feedback in order to prepare a proposal for the next Senate meeting.

In discussion, it was pointed out that the University may not have a lot of time when a retrenchment problem arises. However, it was generally felt that the University would benefit from having a retrenchment policy in place, produced in a calm and rational environment, rather than waiting for the problem and trying to solve it on an ad hoc basis in a short period of time.

The treatment of retrenched faculty should allow the University to save money and not just reallocate tenured faculty to other areas of the University. There should be a definite need for that person before they are hired into a different area.

Old Business

Proposal 3-83 was not acted on due to the lack of a quorum.

Bookstore and library policy were discussed in the President's report.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Roy D. Adams
Senate Secretary